Season 17, Week 2
(Suikoden III)
Straight from Budehuc Castle is this season's upcoming Light champion! ...or maybe not. Kogoro may be the cutest contestant in Light this season, but his power is admittedly lacking. His best option in this opening trial is to try and Freeze Kain in place and then decimate the dragoon with doggy bites. With a little luck, Kogoro can prove that normal canines - whether honored as Stars of Destiny or not - aren't completely worthless in the DL!



Kain Highwind has it easy this week. A puny dog could surely never stand up to a powerful dragoon like Kain! He’s been waiting patiently for his next chance to prove that he's really a Middle, not a Light, and the chance has come yet again. With his dragon-slaying spear, he will jump upon the dog, and vanquish another horrible Light. If only he could fight enemies like Kogoro all the time…

1337 Mastah Limerick
Man's best friend is his dog
Which is why Kain's heart was a-fog
~~Not wanting to harm Lassie
~~For it'd make him less classy
He instead bribed the beast with sliced hog

Kogoro: 10
Kain Highwind: 61

Kain isn't one to pick on a dog to show just how underrated he is. Now if this pooch was stupid enough to try to bite a man wearing full clad armor, then I think it's safe to say Kain can impale the dog on chanrges of self defense.

Kain, once again, silently waits for his next trial.

Kogoro freezes Kain; advances onward. It's easy, really, since an A+ in Freeze owns anything the Dragoon can do!