Season 17, Week 1
(Final Fantasy)
There is a legend, lost to all save the long-lived elves, and even there faded away to bare remnants. Now, striding forth from those ancient tales is a man, little remembered of him save for his title, Knight, and what he can do. His famed prowess as the Shield of Light will do him little good against his tricksome foe, but his might too is legendary, and with a few lucky blows he'll be able to strike down his frail foe before she can muster her tricks to strike back.



Carrier of the Tear Drop, princess of Adlehyde and one of the most feared mages around, Cecilia is ready to prove her mettle once again in Heavy and reach the ranks of Godlike. And her first target couldn't be a better one: the generic Knight may have monstrous defenses and physical power, but all it takes for Cecilia is one casting of Hide to utterly destroy her generic foe's offense. After that, the gentle princess can have a field day with her magical arsenal, which sports many an element. The Knight will be nothing more than Cecilia's first step on her walk towards heaven - or Godlike.

Knight entered the arena with a confident swagger, his well-styled auburn hair bouncing with every step, his armor glistening brighter than a dragon’s horde, and his mantle dramatically ruffling to the wind like the cape of an overly excited matador. Striding his way up the ring, he coolly turned around and faced the audience, slowly drawing his sword and taking a pose that lets his blade reflect the sun with an audible ping.

This was his debut in the RPGDL, he thought, and his first fight was against some random spell slinger that was spawned off the metaphorical loins of Black Wizard and White Wizard! All he’d have to do was walk over and smack this magician over the head with his sword, before returning to his many adoring fans. Things definitely couldn’t be easier.

And lo, here came his opponent to be, the princess named Cecilia, a lass with hair of gold and a face most fair.

Hmm… her face was most fair, wasn’t it? Perhaps a bit of chivalry was in order.

“Ah, delicate flower, your radiant beauty blinds me so.” he said, charm passed on from generations past and handed over to generations in the future oozing with his every word. “It would truly hurt my heart of hearts if I were to accidentally scar such delicate features in the heat of combat. So what say you? Concede and we can go over to yon chambers, and see just how compatible sword and sorcery can really be.”

A slap! Oh, such ungratefulness! Such rude manners! Here he was offering a bit of reprieve from bodily harm, and she would respond in kind! And now, he must be forced to thump her down for the sake of my fans! Oh cruel fate, such cruel fate, to give this girl such stubbornness against impossible odds! Perhaps if he were to show just how much it hurts, she would give up?

“What ho!” he yelled, as his blade flashed and struck her shoulder with the flat of his blade.

“Dummy Doll!”

Dummy Doll? My, but their healing spells do have such strange names, he thought as he watched the magician be enveloped with white light. Oh well, time to continue with the thumping.


“Well, now that you’ve seen how futile it is to go against my powerful might, what say you and I give up this farce and…” he paused his offer as he looked in front of him and saw not the little mage, but something… less pleasing to look at. “Well, now this is quite puzzling. How did this beat-me-up Tidus doll get here? And where did that little vixen g- ah! There you are!

And with a graceful motion, he pulled out his mighty sword from where it rested in the doll, turned around, and thumped her with all his might.


“That doll again?” He said, as indeed, his sword found itself sheathed within the beat-up replica of one of his descendants in the far future once more, while his intended target stood a few feet away from where she originally stood. “This is most embarrassing, but third time’s a charm, I always say!”

And once again, his sword flew out of the doll, and he threw all his weight to thrust his most treasured possession into…


…the same doll as before. “Hmm… I’m starting to see a pattern here.” He said to no one in particular. “I feel I’m in deep doo-doo, yes?”

“You’re in deep doo-doo, yes.” A voice behind him deadpanned. Curious, he turned his head around to see who uttered those words to see…

…the mage finishing the chant of what looked like a really big spell.

“Oh poopy”


As the match in the ring reached its conclusion, two particular individuals in the audience were having a little discussion.

“So Kuja, tell me again why you asked me to give Knight a personality chip programmed with Edge, Edgar, Dalton, Zed, and the traits of a whole bunch of other egomaniacs and perverts for his match?”

“Lucca my dear, you must admit, this is a lot more entertaining than throwing yet another silent main into a match.” The genome laughed just as a pair of Twisters threw Knight out of the ring and up over the rainbow.

Knight: 6
Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde: 41

Characters whose only offense is physical attacks don't do well against buffing characters. Cecelia is one of the greatest buffers around. The Knight will probably get one good turn to do damage before the wave of speed boosting, evasion boosting and defense boosting spell make the damage he does pitiful.

Cecilia would have to
go out of her way
to lose to the Knight.

On the other hand,
if a ravenous pack of FF fans
rushed her and held her down,
perhaps the Knight's chances
would be pushed to just beyond
those of a snowball in Hell.
