Season 16, Week 5
Nash Latkje
(Suikoden III)
He’s defeated a crybaby, a little girl, and a Wiseman to reach the finals. Now, sixteen long seasons of waiting finally pay off! All Nash must do is end the season of the Sacaen Swordmaster and the Middle Championship will be his. With this goal in mind, all the cute little Harmonian spy has to do is keep to his routine: heal whenever necessary and gradually chip away at his opponent. With high accuracy and Heavy Damage, he should overwhelm Guy before the swordsman gets too many lucky strikes in a row. The wait is over; this week Nash proves that brute force can't always come out ahead.



Blade whirling and shredding, eyes focused yet cheerful, Guy has made a name for himself by slaughtering all who stand in his way. His final foe in the Middle division will receive the same treatment. Like everyone else he's faced, Nash is unable to avoid being struck twice with Guy's trademark Killing Edge in a single turn. Nash may be capable of healing, but lacks any way to slow down the assault. Consequently, it won't take long for the perfectionist Swordmaster to land a very fatal critical at just the right time, demonstrating that sometimes versatility is no match for finely-honed skill.

*Team Emblems locker room*

"I have faith in you Guy, show all these people the power of the Kutolah," Lyn remarked as her and the rest of the band were pumping the Sacean swordsman up for his match.

"This man is a lout; I have seen pictures of him with many women, none whom are the same."

"Indeed, Kent, this man is truly a good role model for me."

The group all turned to Sain, and sighed dejectedly. Guy took one look back at all his comrades, smiled, and walked out of the room and into the arena. "Thanks guys, I won't let you down!"

*Team Latjke's locker room*

"Nash.........what is that awful stench in here?"

".......onions, to...keep evil spirits away."

Sierra snickers. "Silly man, that is a fairy tale."


"What evil spirits are you afraid of anyways?"

"The ones that stay constant, the ones that never disappear.....with white hair...... Anyways, might you be so inclined as to help your dear husband out? This man seems to be very formidable."

"Now, why does it seem you see me as a burden, as a matter of fact I might just have some thing to help you against this foe. I just require what you are afraid to give me." Sierra leans in and focuses on Nash's lips.

" could argue that I am afraid because of the last time we kissed, if you only act more gently."

"If you would only act more like a man."



Nash walked in slowly towards the arena, a single sword at his side. Guy was patiently waiting, his eyes were locked. This man was no fool, clumsy mouthed maybe, but a fierce swordfighter on the field no doubt. Nash was smiling, Guy made notice of this. "You, old man, this won't be such an easy win for you this time around, I plan to be the greatest swordsmen who ever too a breath. You are just a pebble in my path."

".......sounds good when you speak so cleanly, but how can you be the best, when the women of Sacea are better swordsman then the men?"

"W what!?" Guy rushed towards Nash, Killing Edge in hand. Nash prepared to defend the attack because he was far to fast for him to evade. Guy’s strike hit the spy, but not before Nash could counter and hit Guy as well. Guy withdrew a few feet, both fighters were panting. "Hmmmm, no strange."

"You aren't even the best swordsman in this arena." Guy, enraged raced towards Nash again, leaving the same impact as before, this last charge left both fighters bleeding. Nash wiped the fresh blood that dripped from his mouth. He still wore his smile. "Having trouble landing a finishing blow to me?" He scoffed, still with the unwavering gentle smile.

Guy was in an outrage, he didn't know why his skills were not landing a finishing blow to this guy, but he wasn't going to stop and think about it. He lunged at Nash again, once again hitting his target. Nash countered and retreated a few feet back, before starting a chant. Guy dropped to a knee.

Nash cured himself of all the wounds that Guy had inflicted and stood upright. He pointed a sword at the wounded Guy. He waited till Guy was on his feet till he charged at him. The last attack left Guy on the floor, hardly able to keep his eyes open. He spoke slowly. "How was it that you negated all my deathblows?"

"A simple trinket my beloved found for me, a special rune that does in fact negate critical strikes. I believe it is called the "Iron Rune."

Guy looked up with shock in his eyes, "W wait! That is an item from my lands, how did you get your hands on it?"

"My land is filled with Runes, just so happens that I was lucky in finding this particular one."

"T that's unfair!!"

"The rules were meant to be abused, take comfort in knowing you didn't stand up again, or you might not be around to better your blade." He looked down at Guy. “If you were to ever take advice from an “old man” such as myself, then it would be to never get married. That is if you truly wish to be the best……..the females…….they tend to leech on and halt your growth.

Nash bowed, and as Guy contemplated the reasons for his defeat, Nash slowly walked away from the arena, Middle champion under his belt, and the thoughts of how Sierra would celebrate this victory lingering in his mind. He gave a deep sigh as he knew he wouldn't be celebrating long.

Nash Latkje: 29
Guy: 20

King of Spades
Tough call this match, but I'd have to put my money on Guy. His ablility with a sword is unmatched and even with Nash healing, Guy's criticals and double-hits would take the spy down.

Nash gets two attacks per round,
and suikoden 3 chars can get 3x criticals,
which would kill most chars in a round or two.
They also get easy 2x criticals.

Nash can match speed, power, and hits.