Season 16, Week 4
Rudolf Steiner
(Phantasy Star 2)
Rudolf Steiner bagged a park ranger last week - for the Hunter, that was an achievement of utmost poetic justice. Now that he's had his fun, he's more than ready to buckle down and secure an upgrade that he so richly deserves. Lucius is hardly a speedster, and his poor physical durability is the stuff of legend. A few shots from Rudo's gun should easily put down the frail Bishop, while his own rugged frame and allow him to withstand even the greatest of Lucius's spells. Rudo will have no difficulty at all taking the counters needed to gain this victory.



If you can dodge arrows fired from ballistae, you can easily dodge a couple shotgun shells. This simple statement will be what leads Lucius to victory over the far less agile Rudo this week. While Rudo's gun will do a number on the extremely frail monk, they do have to hit him first; and while Rudo is a hardy and grizzled veteran himself, even he can't stand the effects of concentrated light fired at him from all directions at once. Some fancy footwork and a whole lot of "Hail Elmine!"s later, Lucius will stand victorious over the beaten corpse of his foe as only a real woman can.

Much of the focus this week was not on Godlike, where everyone was bored of seeing Ghaleon crush another opponent, but instead on Light, in particular, the battle between Lucius and Rudo. This was the case for a couple reasons: First, the obvious sexual innuendo; Second, it was shaping up to be a very well-fought battle.

Lucius was, as always, the fantastic dodger of all things fired his way: bullets from Rudo, love letters from both men and women in the audience, and the ocassional tomato from the local feminist organization. Rudo, on the other hand, was his typical wall of steel, standing stalwart against the strongest of blows sent his way.

As is, the battle was basically Lucius bouncing around the arena, taking ocassional potshots, while Rudo constantly fired round after round at him. This went on for a good long hour, until...

Rudo pulled the trigger for his rifle, and heard the one sound no gunner ever wants to hear...


"...Damn..." he muttered to himself.

Lucius took the chance, and charged the now-ammo-less fighter. He reached into his robe to pull out his special magic book with which to end the battle...

Only to find that he had already used it. Indeed, all his books had the tell-tale worn look of being over-chanted.

"...Damn..." he muttered to himself.

The two fighters stared at each other, mouths gaping. Finally, it was the bishop of Elmine that spoke first.

" know what this means, right?"

"...yeah, I do."

"Shall we?"

"Let's get it over with."

Letting out a primal warcry, the two screamed and ran towards the centre of the arena, and proceeded to engage in a slapping match. Gloved, girlish hand met rough, hunter face; a well-trained palm struck a clean face pampered with Oil of Olay. Yes, this was the most exciting slap-fest the DL had ever seen.

...oh who am I kidding? It was pretty damn sorry to watch, so I'll just spare you the torture and tell you that Lucius won, Rudo became a dancer at Bar Mitzvahs, and Alma Beolvue, despite not being in the match, was hung as a martyr. And all is now well in the world.

Rudolf Steiner: 18
Lucius: 21

Ryu Hayabusa
"Haah!" Lucius exclaimed, launching the power of Luce toward Rudo. The swarthy hunter grunted in pain as cascades of highly destructive holy energies buffetted his muscular frame... and then he spun the Neicannon off his back and arrogantly fired from the hip. Lucius yelped and rolled out of the way, counterattacking with another Luce that left Rudo staggering. The Neicannon's shot slammed into the far end of the arena, sending dozens of horribly burned spectators flying every which way.

Now confident of his victory, Lucius stood up and concentrated carefully. Rudo was badly hurt and it seemed one more Luce would be enough to finish him off. Lucius cast Luce! but to his horror, and everyone's amazement, Rudo crouched like a cat and leaped aside just in time! The wasted holy energies dissipated safely as Rudo got up and aimed once more.

Lucius gulped, staring down the barrel of the Neicannon, and tried to quickly gather up energy for another attack...

"Now you will know what it's like to lose someone you love." Rudo said in his Vin Diesel voice and fired.

The resulting blast threw Lucius' smouldering carcass clear out of the arena, into the crowd, and into the lap of a cute little girl who screamed in utter horror at the smell of burning flesh as Lucius, with half of his face seared off, gasped "Lord Raymond... may your future be bathed in light..." and perished.

Rudo shook his head, slung the Neicannon over his back and walked away, serenaded by the bloodthirsty screams of the admiring crowd.