Season 16, Week 4
Yuri Volte Hyuga
(Shadow Hearts Series)
Another match for the Godslayer begins. Yuri's ultra-useful Seraphic Radiance, with its stat buffing and incredible damage with For the Children, allows him to keep up with Piastol in this slugfest. Portentously, it is possible for Yuri to parallel Piastol's particularly pronounced powers, as he can overcome her Tempest Dance with his good defense and blow through her durability with For the Children. Piastol's good, but bound only to be a roadbump on Yuri's road through Godlike.



Once again, Piastol pits herself against a powerful master of demon fusion. Once again, she shall triumph. The mighty Kurando, bearer of the Ogre's might, fell before the deadly swipe of her scythe, and so too shall Yuri fall victim to the skill and power of the Angel of Death. Although her deadly arsenal of Silver magic is once again rendered useless, the seductive art of her Tempest Dance will be sure to throw Yuri for a loop. No mere slayer of gods will stand in Piastol's way.

Sage Acrin
"So, just to be clear. The girl I'm fighting is cute, young, and could have cut Orlandu in half." Yuri said.

"Yes." Alice said.

"And nearly killed Kefka." Keith added.

"And I'm getting 5-2 odds against Ghaleon for her." Zhuzhen said helpfully.

"Wait, they're taking bets on that match already?"

"They figure you're just a roadblock."

"...okay, any thoughts on what I can actually do here? Everyone seems to think she kills me before I can do anything more than hurt her."

"That's because you can't, though, Yuri...." Alice said.

"You too?" Yuri groaned. "Hell. Well, if all I can do is hurt her, I might as well not show up, then. I don't like losing limbs. Inconvenient." Yuri said, now very annoyed with his "helpful" friends.

"You know, she's in the same arena Rebecca and Katt's match was held in." Zhuzhen said thoughtfully. "Anyone here remember that?"

"No." "No." "HELL YES." "Wait, Yuri, you remember it?" "Of course, Alice, I'd never forget a stunning specta....erm, a...major....breaking of the rules like that?"

"Yes, well. The point is, the mechanism's still in place. The judges couldn't actually figure out how to remove it, anyhow. Those Cids Haschel got in on the project know how to build....anyhow.

Point is, I have an idea on how to expand on it, given a little time. And it doesn't hurt that I had a talk with Timelord over some drinks last night, and know what he's planning for Ghaleon."

"What's he planning?" Keith asked. "Oh, you'll see, my friend. Anyhow, with your permission, Yuri, I'm going to do something that will get you disqualified and possibly get several powerful Godlikes wanting to kill you."

"Oh, sure, why the hell not." Yuri said with a smile. "It'll probably be worth it..."

*Two days later.*

"Why is that pervert keeping me waiting, anyhow?" A cross Piastol said. "Stalling for time before I cut off his arms enough times to wear him out? It's been 15 minutes already...oh, there he finally is." She said, as Yuri came into the arena.

"Hey, it's not nice to call people perverts, miss." Yuri called out.

"And it's not nice to keep me waiting. Now let's get on with it, I want to fight people that actually matter."

"Oh, you will. Very shortly." Yuri said, pulling a large remote control from one of his pockets, consisting entirely of a large red button, and a larger blue button.

"What's that?" "This." Yuri said, smacking the red button...

...and dumping Piastol into a shallow mud pit.

"...ARGH. You....this'm going to rip you in half!" A irate, and very, very muddy Piastol shrieked.

"No, that's what the other button's for." He said, watching Piastol desperately struggle to reach him. Just as she came within scythe's reach, he pressed the blue button...

...dumping the entire works down a rather large metal chute.

"Say, Zhuzhen, where the hell does that go, anyhow?" Yuri called out to a person standing near the entrance to the arena.

"Arena 15, one of the lower level ones. Where Ghaleon vs Timelord is going on. I hope the timing went off right...."


"Ahhhhhhh-OOF!" Piastol, in the most undignified state she had ever been in, screamed, as the chute dumped her into another arena...along with several thousand gallons of sticky mud.

"What...get off me!" A deep voice said from under her.

"Who....I don't recognize you, girl, who are you?"

"Girl? I'm the Magic Emperor Ghaleon!"

"Please, Ghaleon wouldn't wear a pink frilly dress." Piastol said, snickering. "Besides, you're sitting scythe?"

"Get. Off. Me. Right. Now." Ghaleon said, attempting to shove Piastol off...with the mixed success of landing face first in mud in the process.

"GAH! I'm going to beat you to a pulp!" Both Ghaleon and Piastol said simultaniously.

And so began one of the least dignified battles in the duelling league history, a mud wrestling match between Ghaleon and Piastol.

And it just went down hill from there....

Yuri Volte Hyuga: 15
Piastol: 31