Season 16, Week 3
Nash Latkje
(Suikoden III)
Although Nash’s second opponent is a mere little girl, she has some tricks up her sleeve could annoy the yaoi-bait water mage. MOMO’s Confuse-inducing attack, which forces him to rely on his darts, is of minimal use considering her relative fragility. In fact, whether Nash uses his physical or his healing game, he should have a pretty easy time winning since he knows there is no chance of MOMO outlasting him. The semi-finals are already in sight for the Harmonian spy, and he certainly doesn’t plan on losing to a little girl.



The little-Realian-who-could continues to prove her mettle in Middle. With the feared wizard Kazin defeated, she now sets her sights on Harmonian spy Nash Latjke. However, unlike Kazin, Nash is skilled with both physicals and water magic, so MOMO may want to avoid using her trusty Confuse-inducing Hammer Rod. Fortunately, she can opt for her Slow-inducing Penguin Rod instead. MOMO's good evasion and healing, along with her transformation abilities, should allow her to triumph and advance to the semi-finals.

“This is absurd! It goes against my up-bringing to attack a child,” Nash commented as he saw his next opponent. “I would rather forfeit than to attack a little girl.”

“That sounds great dear, if you drop out then we can spend some quality time together………in the dark,” Sierra smirked as the words came out of her mouth.

“Eh…..the decision isn’t final yet Milady, I do have a certain responsibility to all the fans that have come to see me fight.”

“Love….one could argue that you don’t want to spend time with me. Why is that?”

“Beauty is eternal; my soul dies out before you could lose my interest,” Nash was slowly walking backwards toward the arena exit. “What’s that? Oh, they are calling me to the stage I must go darling,” and with that Nash sprinted away from his only terror.

At the arena, “Jr., don’t be so silly, I can take care of myself,” MOMO said as Jr. hugged the little realian before she entered the arena square.

“Just be careful, I still have so much to show you!”

Nash stared down his opponent; she didn’t seem brutal at all. Cute, lovable, and petite, if Nash wanted he could win with little trouble, but to do that his reputation as a ladies man would be tarnished.

“This just won’t do, I can not lay a hand on you, regardless if you are a robot or human.”

“Well then, it looks like I win once again! Just say that you forfeit or I will attack you even if you do not retaliate.”

“……meh,” Nash looked away, busy in thought. He did not plan this match ahead of time, or maybe he could have come up with a way to win without fighting her. He hated the fact of losing without putting up a decent fight. “Cute little girls should not be allowed to fight. This is clouding my judgment, so cruel. I guess……

Before Nash could finish his sentence a shadow rushed through the arena grabbed the little realian and darted off. Nash, of course was a bit confused. Jr. came out, but his dash was too late, the figure who took MOMO was gone.

“MOMO!!!! Nash you barbarian! What a low tactic to hire Albedo. I thought you were a better person than that.”

“Now, hold on there son…..

“I’m old enough to be your dad! Give me back MOMO.”

“Right……I suggest some growth hormones then short stuff, but anyways I did not have anything to do with this. In all honesty I am taken aback by what just happened. If you want my assistance, I will help you hunt down Albedo and get back your little lady.”

“………I don’t trust you.”

Just then, Albedo hearing his voice so much, calls down from in the arena seats. “Hold there Rubedo, try as I will, my attempts to keep that treat are never successful. Believe this old friend, it wasn’t me who took her. Besides me interfering in this match is so…cliché. I wouldn’t lower myself to expected kidnappings.”

“………if it wasn’t him…….” Jr. paused. “Then who?

“I do not know my friend, but maybe they might be interested in an exchange, I am sure I could trade my………” A sharp pain hit the back of Nash’s neck. He turned around to see Sierra starring him down, a cruel smile slipped from her pale face. Nash then knew she had something to do with this.

In the back of the arena in a dark corner, Guillaume chuckled as he eyed his new toy. “Oooooooooooooh, she is just so cute, I could just eat her all up.”

Nash, walking out of the arena, was quiet. Chisato came to interview him.

“Nash, did you have anything to do with the sudden kidnapping of MOMO? You sure did luck out on this one, a free match, how do you feel? Are you going to say anything? Why the look of terror Nash?

Nash slowly turned around, “Miss, forgive me, but that women is the embodiment of evil. Let me live my agony in solitude while I can. Good day.”

Nash Latkje: 35
MOMO: 21