Season 16, Week 2
(Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals)
Long has the finest bladeslinger of Parcelyte waited to fight in the DL, and her premiere shall be one match to be remembered. This match is going to be one of blades against bullets, as Cheryl is a skilled and speedy gunslinger. Nevertheless, Selan is a fast combatant on her own right, and she has debilitating status spells and IP techniques to stop her opponent cold before Selan's magical power is depleted. This battle is one of lightning-fast reflexes and cold wit - both things that Selan has in spades.



There's been a lot of fighters in this season with guns, but until now they've all been men. Cheryl is ready to prove that members of the fairer sex can also sling bullets with deadly efficiency. So what does she bring to the table that the gunslinging men don't? Speed. Cheryl's a very fast and surprisingly sturdy gun-fighter, and her healing abilities and mental draining techniques mean that even Selan will feel her resources being taxed in this fight. Once Selan is worn down, Cheryl can easily turn her into a piece of Swiss cheese.

There she stood, the victor after a long magic duel, burnt and blackened the ring still stood having taken only minor damage despite a long match of fire and darkness clashing. Many a healing spell was cast this day. A close match and yet she had come through as the winner, defeating her opponent with skill and pride to be the first amongst her peers to stand over a defeated pretender in the prestigious Duelling Arena basking in the roar of the crowd. Today she has made a name for herself and all will know it. This is her name Middle, remember it well, let out a cheer for The Magical Wife, Magical Selan has arrived.

Selan: 21
Cheryl: 10