Season 16, Week 1
(Shining Force 2)
The beautiful and feminine Shining Force magician makes his first appearance in the arena against the adorable little Realian MOMO. Despite his opponent's charming cuteness, Kazin can't let up one bit. Stealing her soul -- if she has one -- should be no problem for the prettyboy, but he'd better steal it pretty fast. Otherwise, he'll be forced to rely on his physical strength, and with MOMO's proven healing abilities, this battle could be turned into one of the longest in the history of the DL.



The apple... er... peach of Albedo's eye, MOMO must face the fearsome mage Kazin for her first battle in Middle. In this fight, MOMO's cute looks are up against tough competition; Kazin himself was named Handsomest Sorcerer of the Year by Time Magazine in 1996. But Kazin's best known for not being able to take a hit from a funoodle. The patented Penguin and Hammer rods should be able to knock him out cold in a flash, securing MOMO's well-earned place in Middle with a solid victory.

MOMO was squared off against a fellow mage, Kazin, as her first test to prove herself as a worthy Middle. So to get in some easy damage early on she starts off going straight for her Starlight Transformation. Just as the transformation began a man in a cloak jumped over the railing and started running towards MOMO. Panic struck both duellers confused as to what was happening. MOMO continued with her transformation watching the approaching figure from the corner of her eye. Halfway through the Transformation the figure threw off his cloak to reveal a completely naked Albedo. "I have come to grant you a victory my Peche" he giggled out just before grabbing hold of MOMO by the shoulders and licking her from belly to fore head in one swift motion. "See you next week on your way to the championship you delicious little dumplin." Laughing maniacally he escapes the grounds as no one is prepared to tackle a naked Albedo. Kazin was stunned, not quite comprehending what happened and amazed at his disqualification. MOMO on the other hand knew exactly what happened as she crumpled into a helpless ball still half way through her Starlight Transformation giving all the dirty old men in the pavillion a marvellous view of the flesh of fallen angels.

Kazin: 11
MOMO: 31

Desoul 2 is possibly the most reliable status spell in Shining Force. I'm not sure who decided to make it easier to rip out your opponent's soul than to put them to sleep, but MOMO isn't going to be very happy with them.