Season 16, Week 1
Nash Latkje
(Suikoden III)
After fifteen long seasons spent waiting for a match, prettyboy Nash Latjke finally makes his arena debut. This week he's facing the angsty adolescent himself, Squall Leonhart. Nash's offensive variety allows him to avoid the SeeD's limit, while his extensive healing gives him more than enough time to chip around Squall's only threat. After being eased into the DL by this fairly easy match, he should move on to Week 3 without trouble.



Never one to mince words, Squall Leonheart's fighting style reflects his personality: simple and to the point. Entering the arena with nothing more than his gunblade and the clothes on his back, this elite warrior plans to show that a powerful sword strike to the face is more than a match for a trickster who fights with darts. Backed by his fearsome Renzokuken to get around Nash's healing, the SeeD is ready to earn his first DL win.

*Two days prior*

Nash: Sixteen Seasons......and now when I get my first shot, I am NOT allowed to go all out?

Sierra: Seems that way dear. I could, you know ease all of your worries.

Nash: .......stop looking at my neck. Please, dear, let me sit down and think up of something.

Sierra: I will always be at your side darling.

Nash: This....I know too well. *sigh*

Sierra: Hmm?

Nash: ....nothing.

Squall: Tonight, I do this for Rinoa.
*Palms his necklace and grips his sword tightly with his right hand*

Squall enters the arena to find Nash standing on the opposite side. He looks to his left. The many members of SeeD had come to cheer him on. He smiled; he had the support of all his friends, all the people he cared for. He wasn't going to let them down. He was going to show everyone, friend and foe alike why he was the top rated SeeD candidate. Opposing him was someone he did not get the chance to read up on. This would be the Harmonian's first match in the DL, Squall had no strategy against him, nor could he study any of his moves or secrets. Confident in his abilities though, Squall began to advance.

Though, if not for one small fact Squall might not have stopped. Nash could easily see that Squall was coming towards him. The match had begun; he should be ready to defend any attacks. However, Nash's eyes wandered. It seemed he was looking for someone.

Nash: She always does this. Promises mean nothing to her.........

What difference did it make, his opponent wasn't paying attention. Squall now had it in his mind to just charge the un-suspecting spy.

Nash: hmmmmm

With the quickness, Squall charged at Nash. A straight vertical slash aiming to split his foe. Nash, however, side stepped the attack and backed away. A look of agitation swept over his face.

Nash: Mistake number one....

Squall wasted no time and charged towards Nash again. The tip of his gunblade scrapped the pavement as he dashed towards Nash. This time, Nash took a defensive stance. A dagger in each hand, with his hands crossed as if he were getting ready to throw them. But, Squall didn't do what Nash had intended. Instead, Squall went left, stopping his full on assault and pointed the Gunblade towards Nash. Eyes set on his target; he aimed and let off a shot towards Nash. This caught Nash off guard. He turned his body to the right and threw one of his darts directly up in the air with all his might. The bullet caught him in the left shoulder and he quickly applied pressure with his other arm upon the wound. Blood began to trickle down. Squall looked up at the dart Nash had thrown. It was wedged up in the ceiling.

Squall: You missed. I am right here.

Nash slowly backed away. He looked content to what was happening. The crowd really began to get into the match. The chants for”Finish Him" were getting louder. You could tell that squall's ego was beginning to fill. Nash kept his composure. After getting a safe distance away from Squall, Nash lowered his guard. His one hand, still holding the Dagger was stained red from the blood from his gun shot wound.

Squall: You are wounded; you can throw in the towel if you want. I do not think a direct assault against a wounded duck as much fun.

Nash: .....mistake number two.

Nash with much force threw the second of his two darts at the arena roof. This one, to Nash's pleasure found its mark, which caused a power outage. As all the lights began to dim, Nash slowly began to reach for the holster at his side. Squall, seeing that a figure was approaching him did what he could. He drew his sword out in front of him. The arena was almost too dark for him to see anything. He could only hear Nash's voice as it slowly crept towards him.

Nash: On the battlefield there is no room for pity, or hesitation. The second that you felt compassion for me, your enemy, was the second when you gave up. Be glad no one will witness your downfall.
In the time it took the stage crew to fix the lights, Nash was the only man standing. While, where Squall lay, only a tangled body covered in blood remained. Nash bowed to the crowd who had no idea what just happened and left the arena. The local doctor of the DL rushed out to tend to the winners wounds.

Doc: You that arm it needs to be looked at. Come to my clinic and we can patch you up real quick.

Nash slowly turned around; a huge grin covered his face.

Nash: No thanks. I know someone who could 'suck' this thing right out of me.......and like it. Good day sir.

Nash Latkje: 39
Squall Leonheart: 16

"Damn, my Missus is going to never let me live this down," Nash sighed, rubbing his temples as a post Mother Ocean restoration headache banged on his head. His shredded armor and bloodstained clothes giving testament to his current misadventure, Nash Lakje sighed again.

Chris merely shook her head, putting back on her gloves after administering a ressurection of mercy. Turning away, one might catch the very tiniest smile forming on her lips as she spoke, "Perhaps it was unwise to take his girlfriend on a 'trip' off to the Grasslands, hm?"

"CHRIS," echoed throughout the now empty battle arena, his protests ringing loudly.

Nash, Squall... considering what the games these two came from are best known for, the true winners of this fight would be the yaoi fans. >>