Season 15, Week 4
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
The young archer Rebecca has taken down many a foe this season. From one of the original Wondertwins to a mighty Lich, nothing has been able to stall steely eyed sniper. Now, with only a puny cat-girl standing between her and the finals, Rebecca's not going to quit now! With a Silver Bow and her deadly accuracy backing her up, it should only take the young girl a few quick turns to smite the frail Katt.



The formidible feline fighter of Light has a new scratching post in sight: Rebecca. In order to advance on and obtain her goal of an upgrade back to Middle, Katt will need to attack fast and often, as Rebecca has capable power, skill and evasion of her own. It's likely at least one or two MeowST shots will whiff, so she'll have to combine a BoltX and her best accuracy to move on.

Sage Acrin
The simple fact of the matter is, matches like this are very simple. Two girls bashing it out, one shooting the other with a bow, the other smacking with her staff, both evading regularly, both very fast...fairly dull. And a match that'd take forever.

Or would have been if Edgar, Zidane and Haschel hadn't had their way. It turns out that they had a different plan.

Namely, they rigged a rather shallow pitfall trap into a mudpit in the center of the arena, in the hopes of some hot mudwrestling action. After all, even if they got caught, what were the contestants going to do? All three were far better fighters than either Katt or Rebecca, and the match would just be reschedueled.

Unfortunatly, they forgot the power of friendship.

Or, rather, the power of having two Godlikes as friends on Katt's side, and a few dozen friends on Rebecca's.

Even Edgar, with his powerful status tools, was quickly dispatched by an annoyed Deis.

Anyhow, after the dust had settled, the two just decided to not bother with a rematch, and instead just flip a coin. After all, the match would largely have been decided by luck anyhow.

Oh, Edgar, Haschel and Zidane?

They were forced to mudwrestle in spandex for the crowd, while rotten vegetables were handed out. One of the highest attended events in DL history...

Rebecca: 22
Katt: 23