Season 15, Week 1
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
A season late for the Fire Emblem invasion, Canas is nevertheless ready and willing to prove his might in the arena this week. That is, provided he doesn't get caught up in a good read and forget about the battle entirely. Assuming that he makes it, however, he will be loaded for bear with dark magicks and ready to pound the sluggish, weakminded Dekar into oblivion. If there's one thing that the Knight of Bound doesn't like, it's a sorceror who's faster than him, and Canas is certainly that. Armed with the trusty tome of Luna and his shiny monocle, the black mage will blast the knight into oblivion.



The man who has forgotten how to lose is back, ready to prove once more that improbably high will power and absurdly high attack power are enough to triumph in the DL playoffs! Both of these and more will be tested by a newcomer to the ring, the dark mage Canas. Hailing from the world of Fire Emblem, this mage packs devastating magic, as mighty as the powerful spells of the Sinistrals. To survive these, he must strike hard with his Dekar Blade and even squeeze by with a little extra help from his Metal Mail's Sacred Song. With those, he should have plenty of force with which to slash Canas into ribbons.

As the arena match began, Canas found himself uncomfortably staring up at the rather large, sharp axe wielded by his adversary, who seemed rather all too eager to use it. A scholar of ancient lore such as himself wasn't quite suited to the front lines like this, he idly thought, as he summoned forth dark energies to blast Dekar with his Luna spell.

Glyphs hovered in the air and rotated around the Knight of Bound, squarely blasting into his chest with all the might that dark magic could afford. Such was its strength that it'd even ignore the victim's magical defenses in its blow. As painful as the prospect of an axe to the face could be, Canas remained confident. Surely the dark arts would see him through.

It was all too surprising to watch Dekar simply barrel his way through the blow, his utter lack of magic defenses making the spell more of a liability than a benefit. A gulp was all he had time for as the blade whistled through the air, about to run him in two.

Then Dekar paused.

"What's up with that get-up? Are you another one of those magic types?"

A familiar deja-vu began to ring in Canas' head as he replied automatically. "Err, well... I do dabble in the dark arts..."

"Dark arts? What's that?!"

"Ah, well it's quite interesting, really. You see, there are several types of magic in this cosmos. Monks practice light magic, mages practice anima magic, and we shamans practice elder magic, which some call dark!"


An odd feeling began to run up his spine. The similarities were just -far- too striking. Could it be possible...? "W-What's the matter?!"

"Nnng. Hard words make my head hurt!"

"I-I apologize. Did I use... hard words?"

"You callin' me stupid!?"

"No, err, I never meant-- No."

"Right. Well, that's all right, then. I'm just going to punch that rock over there until my head feels better..."

"Righto. Have fun... I guess..."

Canas: 25
Dekar: 20