Season 14, Week 3
(Grandia 2)
What's the best way to take out a mix of angst and poor motives with a quasi-sarcastic badass covering? That's right, a former sarcastic badboy who transformed into a mix of angst and poor motives! Ryudo has nothing to fear from the swordsman from Fire Emblem, with his powerful Tenseiken Slash, Flying Tenseiken, and Sky Dragon Slash attacks giving him the offensive edge over his opponent. This Geohound will surely be able to cull the number of badass wannabe swordsmen in middle this season, and advance one step further toward the championship.



After reaping a victory on the DL by defeating his very leader, Raven feels a bit more confident. His newest opponent is nothing short of formidable, though: Ryudo, sarcastic Geohound and a swordsman as skilled as Raven himself. The tormented mercenary from House Cornwell will not let his guard down on this match that, once again, is nothing short of a slugfest where Raven has the clear speed edge. With a critical blow from the Killing Edge, the crimson-haired former noble will certainly cut through the Geohound and advance to the semifinals.

There's only one thing a humorous smart-ass of Ryudo's calibur fears: screamingly Yaoi-tasitic situations.
As anyone who's ever used Raven can attest, the man is a walking Yaoi situation.
Let your imagination fill the results in from there.

Ryudo: 16
Raven: 26

Raven is disadvantaged by one fact: Ryudo is the same as he is except that Ryudo has techniques; relatively strong ones, at that. Advantage Ryudo.