Season 14, Week 2
(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
The greatest of the Wise Men besides Indalecio himself finds himself with a most unfitting opponent this week. His opponent may be powerful, sure... but... it's a cat. A giant, hairless cat. No matter for the Wise Man, though... Mewtwo will just be yet another foe to receive the Winds of Destruction, and those same winds will carry Cyril into the second round. With the inaccurate but nevertheless deadly and aptly-named Word of Death as a backup plan should Mewtwo push him to the brink, the Wise Man has absolutely nothing to worry about this round, beyond trying to answer the age-old question: just how many ways are there to skin a cat?



Generally, Pokémon are stigmatized as weak creatures who are better suited to being pets than warriors. While the mindset may lead to questioning of a Pokémon in Godlike, all voices are silenced once Mewtwo steps into the arena. It isn't so much the incredible speed and offense that win him battles, although they should be more than enough to defeat Cyril. What really makes Mewtwo a threat are his stat boosters and healing. Because Cyril can't ignore defense, Mewtwo can use Barrier and Amnesia to utterly sink Cyril's damage, and also make his own Psychic attack even more powerful. Mewtwo should have no problem winning this week, striking a blow against Pokémon stereotypes in the process.

When you think about it, there's a large amount of similarities between Mewtwo and Cyril.

Both are insane genetically bioengineered freaks. Cyril's more insane, Mewtwo looks the part more.

Both rely largely on their magical abilities.

Both rely on abilities that are, very loosely, magical to start with. (Mewtwo breaks people's minds, Cyril just forms a large tornado out of nowhere.)

However, there are two problems here, both Cyril's. The first is that, very simply, Cyril got beat up by a bunch of teenagers while Mewtwo is known to level dragons and animals that warp nature around them by existing.

The second is that Cyril is substantially more insane than Mewtwo to start with. How do you think he's going to handle his mind being broken more?

The last anyone's seen of Cyril, he was getting beaten to a pulp by Fou-Lu, Orlandu, and Zophar for walking out onto the arena between matches, stark naked, and singing Toxic...

Cyril: 12
Mewtwo: 39

Mewtwo uses barrier a ton so his foe can't even scratch him then uses amnesia several times and one psybeam later he wins.