Season 2, Week 2
Hrist Valkyrie
(Valkyrie Profile)
The sister of Lenneth Valkyrie, Hrist literally is in a class of her own. Of course, that class would happen to be Light, as opposed to Godlike. While she does not fear many things, she should. Her accuracy is far from stellar, and her attack power is subpar. However, eventually, she can pull off a Nibelung Valesti (level one). Enough of those, and Amy will be toast. Hrist can only hope that the healer from Paseo doesn't deal enough damage to knock her out before she's charged enough strikes to Purify Weird Soul.



One of Rolf's companions one his journey to save Algol, Amy was the doctor who kept the group going through their difficulties. As such, Amy is low on offence, but high on healing. She comes into this battle with Nares which will fully heal her, Sashu which will prevent physical pain, and Deban which will preven magical pain, and Saner which will giver her Marle-like sluggishness a much needed boost. And, when she needs to go onto the offence, she can rely on Foi, a level 1 fire spell, or simply use the Fire Rods she can equip as an item, to get infinite uses of Foi. Either way, she's going to take a long while if she hopes to win.

Amy, like any good doctor, is fairly accurate in attacking, thanks to all the practice that she gets injecting people with needles. Hrist, on the other hand, may need glasses, radial keratomy, contact lenses, precision laser correctional surgery, crosshair-lensed sunglasses, and homing missiles to actually hit anything. Instead, Hrist opts for the cheapest option: she squints, and tries to hit one of the Amys that she can't really see. Amy just sighs, unleashes a nice little Foi from her weapon, and leaves her clinic card on the way out.

Hrist Valkyrie: 4
Amy Sage: 11
While she never achieved the completeness her sister, Lenneth, did, Hrist's take no prisoners attitude, and the powers of a Valkyrie will still be more than enough to see another addition to the Einherjar.