Season 2, Week 2
Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde
(Wild Arms)
One of the most versatile fighters in all of the worlds, Adlehyde's princess is also a potent Crest Sorceress who can cast anything from her world's most potent attack spells to the likes of Life 3 and Cure 4. However, all she'll likely need to deal with Dart is Quick to get faster than him, Armour and Speed down to further mess up the poor Dragoon, and Protect to weaken his only threatening move, Divine Dragoon Cannon. With Hi-Heal to fully heal her when needed, and MP Drain if Dart doesn't use up all of his MP himself, Cecilia easily has what it takes to last the first few rounds of this match, and take away any hopes Dart has of victory.



Dart is generally...average. Average stats, he can't use his ultimate weapon without draining his life, and he's just....such a stereotype. So, why is he in Heavy? The Divine Dragon Spirit. Easily the most powerful dragoon spirit in the game, it allows him to use Divine Dragon Cannon which, most certainly, will eliminate Cecilia in a single blow. He'll have to smack her with his Fairy Sword once to power his Dragoon transformation, but other than that, all he needs is one shot at her to take her down.
Dart needs to get a second turn to use his only threatening move, Divine Dragon Cannon. In that time, Cecilia can cast Quick, to get faster, Hi-Heal, to get back to full HP after Dart hits her, and Protect, to augment her game high MDef by 50% and make Dart's best move easily survivable. After that point, it's all downhill for the Dragoon.

Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde: 8
Dart: 7