Season 2, Week 2
(Lunar Series)
The supreme mage of the Lunar World, head of the Magic Guild of Vane and the original dual-casting mage, Ghaleon comes into this duel ready to trounce the puny PC Rolf. His Chaos Shield prevents Megid from doing its major damage, while Fate Storm will completely eat Rolf up in one shot. Really, that's all he needs for this battle. Sure, he could fall back on his physical attacks and Siphon Soul, and maybe his double-casting of Inferno, Nitro Dagger, Rock 'N Roll, Tornado, Worm Crush, Hell Wave, etc., but why would he want to make this match longer than it has to be?



Much like Lunar has its heros, the Dragonmasters, the last one of which eventually defeated Ghaleon, Algol too has its heros, the Protectors. Rolf, seperated by a thousand years, is a decendant of the first Protector, Alis Lansdale, and is himself the second Protector of Algol. And, as protector, he goes into this tournament with his powerful techniques such as Nazan, a wind attack, Nathu, a powerful Light elemental attack, Nares, full healing, and his strongest technique of all, Megid, which kills anything but the final bosses in a blow. Backed up by some of the strongest equipment in game and the powerful holy elemental Neisword, Rolf is not a fighter to go down easily.
Ghaleon has once before faced a hero backed by a deep anger backed by love. Just as Alex's love for Luna saw him face any danger and defeat Ghaleon, so does Rolf's love of Algol power his anger and his Megid technique. However, unlike Alex, Rolf doesn't have a party of four backing him up either.

Ghaleon: 12
Rolf Landale: 2