Season 13, Week 5
(Phantasy Star 4)
Having felled a Sinistral, only one obstacle now lies in Rika's path to matching the accomplishments of her castmaste Chaz: the Arc Knight Zalbag. Fortunately, the Ivalician general plays right to her strengths. Rika is once again much faster than her opponent, and her trademark stat-boosting spells will erase and override the effects of Zalbag's Ruin skillset. From there, the Numan looks to ride to a championship on the back of her plentiful healing and deadly claws. It's Algol's finest against Ivalice's in the Heavy finals this week, and the artificial lifeform has every intention of proving what a difference advanced technology makes!



After defeating a madman, a dragoon, and a slightly maniacal mid-game boss, Zalbag is up to any challenge that the arena can give him - and all it coughs up is a perky catgirl? The good general carries himself with confidence as he enters the ring to face Rika. She’s frail compared to the last opponent he fought, and her claws won’t be doing much damage to the evasive and well-armored Arc Knight. His resilience and handy Angel Ring-granted Death immunity will be the two things that will decide this match in Zalbag’s favor, and help him clench a championship. For the honor and glor of Ivalice, Zalbag shall not fall.

Rika sighed. She knew her opponent could go right through her stat ups, AND defend against her ID attack. What was a young Numan supposed to do?

Simple. Ask advice from fellow female friends and learn to break equipment. This, naturally, scares any old upstanding male shitless and sends them running in terror. With that, Zalbag never showed up to the match.

Rika: 33
Zalbag Beoulve: 19

Zalbag got this far? I lost track after Week 3 I think...anyways, Zalbags gets the pity point from me.