Season 13, Week 3
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
Galactic or not, Amon is still a lance user... always a bad idea against Hector of Ostia. The Armads gives Hector's physical a cruel bite, and imposing as it might seem, Amon's armor does little to protect him against physical strikes. Given Amon's poor durability and Hector's penchant for blowing away anyone who dares to stand in his way, the Great Lord should have no problem showing the Sinistral of Chaos that sending four people to defeat the Sinistrals was nothing more than a waste of human resources.



Amon is one step closer to proving that the might of Chaos is more than a simple Heavy division can handle. While Galactic Lancer might not be a particularly attractive option, some focused Thunder spells will spell doom to the young Lord. And just to live up to his name, there's always a chance for Amon to inflict confuse status on his opponent with Chaos Wave, just to make the match more interesting. All in all, Amon has the will and the means ready to dominate this match and advance to the semifinals.

If you ask me, Hector seems like the kinda guy who could eat legendary demons, wizards, etc. for breakfast. The man is impressive in Fire Emblem, and a nasty dueller in the DL. Amon, on the other hand, is a low-level Sinistrial, not exactly the most impressive bunch of battlers this side of the 16-bit era. Sure, they get revived before you could so much as say "FRUE DESTRUCTION", but that's not relevent in the DL.

So it should be a surprise to everyone when Amon, Sinistral of Chaos, beats Hector into submission and gets a win, not to mention bragging rights over his comrades in evil.

Hector: 21
Amon: 22

The Axeman
Hector knew he was more than a little outmatched, but in a display of discipline that was rare for the young lord, he decided to get help from the Tactician.

Together, they worked out a plan... an unbeatable plan to defeat Amon. It was long and complicated, but it was completely flawless, as all of the Tactician's plans were. Hector came into the arena with confidence.

Amon unleashed his Chaos Wave technique, and Hector promptly forgot everything.

Then he hit Amon in the face with his axe really hard.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Being able to confuse and obscure your opponents tactics is one way to get ahead in life, but it's hard to argue with an axe to the face.

Hector has a challenge this time, but not enough of one. He'll still be splitting poor Amon right down the middle and moving on to the next match. Hector for Heavy all the way! Oh, shoot, now I'm making it sound like the election!!!