Season 13, Week 3
(Final Fantasy X)
Maester Seymour and Kefka have a lot in common; for one, they're both nihilistic pychopaths. However, the variety of their differences is just as wide. Most important among them, Seymour is noted for his insane defense while Kekfa is infamous for often dying in one round. Almost certainly capable of stopping even the otherwise devestating Havok Wing dead on its tracks, Seymour will have plenty of time to unleash the few barrages of Firaga he needs to advance to the next round.



The mad clown is ready to kill a fellow Final Fantasy villain. Although both men are evil, Seymour's the calm, calculating sort - while that's all fine and dandy, it can't hope to compete with Kefka's pure raving insanity. After all, while his opponent was doing things like getting married and other silliness, Kefka was destroying whole cities and killing people for delight and pleasure. With Havoc Wing, Kefka will brutally destroy Seymour - just as he did Gestahl and Leo - and proceed to the next round.

An Uncharacteristically Pretentious Wr

"My son," said Daedalus. "The time has come for your escape. Take great care not to fly too close to the sea, for your wings will soak. Yet also do not fly so close to the sun, where the wax holding them together would melt."

Icarus took the wings from his father, and strapped them onto his back. Long had he dreamt of the escape from Crete, where he and his father, Daedalus were stranded. Icarus had resented his father for his prior achievements, and secretely wished to become even more respected, but before his glory would come his escape.
* * * * *
Kefka rose into the sky, staring down Seymour. His critics believed that he could win this fight, but he would have to not get too reckless, as he often would.

Kefka laughed maniacally however, feeling that all of his critics would be silenced during his performance. For a long time, Kefka resented his previous DL losses, and he felt long overdue for a championship. It was his time.
* * * * *
Icarus dove into the sky, flapping his manmade wings, and soaring miraculously through the air. He began to feel the elation of flight, though he still sped away to make his escape.
* * * * *
The self-made god flapped his unmatched wings, and made a powerful, relentless dive directly into his opponent, the force of the blow turning Seymour's head, but having little more effect. Kefka was not deterred, though. A second time, he rose high into the air, and struck Seymour directly with his wing.

Seymour still stood, however, so cruel and unyielding, as though he were there since the creation of the Earth.

Kefka once again took to the sky, but now, Seymour had finished his casting. Once, before he could advance, Kefka was struck by a powerful blast of heat. This would not deter him, however. Revelling in the injury, Kefka dove for Seymour yet again, this time gaining great speed. Seymour's second blast of flame caught Kefka full on in the face, but would not slow his advance. A third conflagration lept from the unsent Guado's hand, this time blistering Kefka's face, and flaying part of his flesh from his body.

Kefka merely revelled in this sensation, though reason told him he should pull up. Long since forsaking other emotions, pain was one of the few sensations Kefka could understand, and as he continued his assault, face and body wrecked with the damage from the flame, Kefka knew great pleasure. This was all he lived for, this would be his triumph.
* * * * *
Icarus rose higher into the sky, his body filling with sensations too pleasurable for words. Never before had he knew the feelings coursing through him. He soared higher in the air, wishing the world to see him. Here he was, finally as glorious as his father was.

Higher he rose, and higher still. Icarus felt that all the world was watching his flight, witnessing his splender. His body burned in the fire of the relentless sun, but still he rose, the warmth giving him a great sense of majesty. His lips chapped, and his eyes water, but Icarus merely threw back his head. He raised his face to the heavens, and allowed the ecstasy fill his whole body. He knew great pleasure, then; perhaps more pleasure than man should know, as his wax bindings slowly melted, and the last of his feathers drifted out of their holdings.

And Icarus fell.

Seymour: 36
Kefka: 29

Kefka came into the arena and instead of seeing one of Seymour's forms he simply saw the PC Seymour. Kefka's confusion gave the slower Seymour a chance to summon Anima. Seeing a creature as evil as Anima caused Kefka to become like a little schoolgirl who had just bought a new Ashlee Simpson I-Pod. Kefka of course lost the match due to not even wanting to fight Anima.