Season 13, Week 3
Fei Fong Wong
His smiting of Fujin means that Fei has only one more obstacle before he lives up to his title by slaying Myria and that obstacle is no more than a thirteen-year-old baseball lover. Of course, having trashed gears at least 20 times his own size quite soundly, Fei knows that size isn't everything. A good thing, since Ness is nearly as durable as a gear. Fortunately, Fei's trademark Yamikei attack still packs quite a wallop, and he has solid durability and speed to back it up. He could also buff his stats up to make Yamikei even stronger. All things considered, Fei should be able to take down this "threat" from Onett and secure a match against the Goddess herself.



This week, the hero of Onett must face an opponent quite unlike himself. While Ness is a picture of youthful exuberance who will happily fight anything to save his world, his opponent is a generally depressed man who repeatedly states that he can't stand fighting. Unsurprisingly, they also adopt radically different fighting styles. Ness's usual tactic of relying on his plentiful durability and healing will serve him well in this match, as Fei can't hope to overwhelm his legendary HP count - especially not after Shield Beta halves his damage. Of course, there's a much faster way - a lucky PSI flash will kill Fei in one hit.

Once again, Ness strategy is clear: against a physical attacker, he always uses Shield Beta, which cuts his damage taken by half and reflects the half he doesn't take back at the attacker.

Fei Fong Wong: 17
Ness: 28

I have only one thing to say. Poor Ness.