Season 13, Week 2
(Chrono Cross)
Glenn may not be quite the swordsman that his elder brother is, but he knows his way around a blade nonetheless. Against a former Middle making her first appearance in the higher division, Glenn will be more than willing to show his skill this week. And whereas most swordsmen can claim but one legendary sword to their name, Glenn wield two copies the sacred sword of the Acacia Dragoons, the Einlanzer. With that sort of legendary strength backing him up, it will be no time at all before Glenn moves on to his first victory - and replicates fellow CC alumnus Serge's League success.



Maya Amano has quite a bit to prove this season, having earned an upgrade to the DL's most fiercely competitive division. She had seen some immensely varied opponents in her Middle campaign, but her Heavy debut pits her against one of the division's most renowned fighters! Glenn's powerful blade arts make short work of many opponents, but the same could also be said of Maya's magical powers. She'll be needing them this week, trading her spells and bullets with his sword slashes. It will be a tougher fight than she's used to, but in her own words, "Let's Positive Thinking!" solves any dilemma.

Glenn had brought all his swordskills to the battlefield.

Maya had brought a microphone.

Apparently, someone forgot to tell Maya she still had to fight after her recent Middle victory.

At any rate, Maya got a great interview, and bid the winner of the battle a good day.

Glenn just ended up confused.

Glenn: 28
Maya Amano: 9