Season 13, Week 2
(Chrono Cross)
Miguel isn't happy after his humiliating defeat to the Barrier Golem Asgard back in season VII. Nor is he happy that his opponent this time is leader of the Wise Men, Of course, Miguel is quite wise himself, and he'll be putting that wisdom to use as he draws his Holy Dragon Sword to vanquish the evil that is Indalecio. Combining that with his plethora of White Elemental Skills, he'll prove once and for all that evil shall never triumph, so long as there is one enraged fisherman ready to stand in its way!



Very few things can scare the grand leader of God's Ten Wise Men, and - much to Miguel's regret - a glorified fisherman simply doesn't rank among them. Of course, the question of mental fortitude hardly figures into this match. None of Miguel's tricks can compete with Indalecio's super-powered Heraldry spells of Earthquake, Explosion and Southern Cross, and Divine Wave alone is more than enough to outslug Miguel's best. This fatal combination of physical and magical damage will sink Miguel soundly.

He descends...... a being with powers so great, he is forced to hold back in the DL due to sheer fear of the people....

He arrived in his weakened form, and stared at his foe.

"What folly.... a mere fisherman thinks he can defeat me?"

Miguel, hearing this, immediately did his signature TurnBlack/HolyDragonSword combo.

Indalecio was hurt quite a bit after that, but his pain didn't mean anything, for it just gave him an excuse to draw out an "example" of his true might.........

Miguel then used a stat buffer on himself, and followed up with HolyLight........ only to watch Indalecio take no damage, and summon a large angelic figure behind him.

"Fool.......... You think you stand a chance!?" cried the wise man.

"Oh sh----" was about as far Miguel got before he got blasted by Earthquake, Explode, and to finish it off, Divine Comedy.

"Fool. Go rot in that hole in time you live in, or whatever it was". With that, Indalecio scoffed and floated out of the ring in displeasure, hoping for a worthy adversary to face him........

Miguel: 11
Indalecio: 47