Season 13, Week 1
(Chrono Cross)
The pint-sized pixie of Chrono Cross makes her first DL appearance in this match. While the Green elemental sprite is primarily a mage, she'll be doing her best to take down her hulking opponent with her natural abilities and quick reflexes. Green elements tend to lean towards healing and support, and Razzly's no exception. After boosting her defense to render Ward’s attacks useless, she's ready to try to outlast Ward with her healing abilities and clear her way to the second round of the championship!



With his crushing might, Ward should easily give Razzly a brutal fight. She may be able to evade a fair number of his normal attacks, but his Harpoon is big enough to leave quite a hole when it connects, and heavens help the tiny fairy should Ward get into Limit range. If Massive Anchor doesn't destroy her, then surely Ward's immense strength as he comes down from the limit will help crush Razzly like the little bug she resembles. This will be a victory for the well muscled everywhere.

Razzly is a little Fairy who likes to play around with animals.

Ward is a sailor who holds a big ass spear and is about 5x the size of a fairy...

I sense a flatenned impaled Fairy is the end result of this fight...

Razzly: 21
Ward Zabac: 26