Season 12, Week 5
(Suikoden III)
Budehuc Castle's finest guard has overcome all her obstacles this season, and now she stands on the cusp of supreme triumph (or anyway, as supreme a triumph as a Light championship could get). After three matches consisting solely of her beating her opponents into a bloody pulp, she finally meets an opponent capable of healing himself. Of course, one turn Ronfar spends healing is one turn he doesn't spend attacking, and he'll be very busy doing the former. Her outstanding defense is just icing on the cake - Cecile's time has come.



Ronfar has battled long and hard for his shot at the finals, and he must be feeling confident after outlasting three opponents. His strategy won't be changing much for this match; he'll simply heal himself and hit every now and then until Cecile either dies or quits in disgust. There will be a minor change, however - with Cecile's terrible magic defense, Ronfar's Shining Litany will not only do decent damage, but also let him keep up with her vicious physicals. Cecile doesn't have an ounce of healing on her, so all it will take is a few Shining Litanies before Ronfar clinches his first League title.

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
I'll make this short: Stabby stab stab.

Well whaddya know, Cecile did the same thing. And afterwards, the Arena Janitor is going to have a fit.

Somedays it just doesn't pay to get out of Lunar...

Cecile: 31
Ronfar: 12