Season 12, Week 4
(Suikoden III)
A battle of combat styles, as archery clashes with pole arms! A battle of military positions, as Border Patrol challenges Castle Guard! A battle of speech, as unending silence meets cheery girl prattle! It is rare that such a bout ever takes place, and it's sure to be an event for the ages. Although Jacques' serious nature and overly-large crossbow make him a dangerous foe, there is no doubt that Cecile’s armor and shield will guard her from his arrows, while her spear easily tears through his thin scouting gear. With the honor of the Lakeside Castle on the line, she will not fail!



Most archers would quaver with trepidation over the prospect of fighting one as evasive and tankish as Cecile, but not Jacques of the Twelfth Harmonian Southern Frontier Defense Force. In fact, it would be quite a surprise to see him display any emotion at all. With frightening accuracy, a veritable ballista of a bowgun, and a hand that never wavers, his stealthy sniping skills are the perfect thing to pierce Cecile's guard. It's time for the bowman to teach his young colleague a thing or two about focus and professionalism. If he can just keep his distance, that is.

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
To avoid sounding like Albedo in this case, I'll simply say that Cecile is the better tank and better built character stat-wise.

Oh for the love of Maya Amano, she slaughters Jacques in close quarters. The fact that she's decked out in full body armor should atest to this. Then add in a decent attack...

Why is she in Light?

Cecile: 30
Jacques: 10