Season 12, Week 1
(Suikoden III)
Still stinging from her debut loss, Cecile is determined to get back to middle this season - and no two-bit Chrono scrub can stand in her way! She may be a vanilla fighter, but that hardly makes a difference in this match. The guard captain's excellent defensive stats reduce Skelly's damage to a laughable amount, and her two strikes per round means that Skelly's one shot of healing won't buy him the time to wear her down. Budehuc's finest shouldn't have any trouble advancing to the quarterfinals this time around.



Skelly's facing a real challenge in his first DL appearance. The skeletal clown will be facing one of the toughest character in Light, but he's still grinning. Of course, the fact that most skulls grin might have something to do with that. Cecile is stronger and tougher than everyone's favorite Squid Gut Pasta lover. The bonehead's only real hope in this fight is to use his superior speed to kill his opponent with humor. Can Skelly keep Cecile laughing long enough to sneak away with a win?

Skelly made one very fatal move on the day he was to challenge Cecille. He showed up and scared the bejesus out of her. Cecille hates clowns, especially skeletal ones. It was a very horrifying scene to watch Cecille beat the bones right off of Skelly before he had a chance to do anything.

Cecile: 36
Skelly: 2