Season 11, Week 4
(Xenosaga Series)
After a pair of hard-fought victories over strong physical attackers (by Light standards), the mage Mallow almost comes as a welcome relief to the Realian MOMO. The prince of Nimbus is a lot like MOMO, with good damage for a Light, and plentiful healing. However, MOMO still has the clear upper hand, thanks as always to her excellent speed and evasion, and her Slow- or Confuse-inducing weaponry. And she still has her Starlight transformation and high-powered MOMO's Kiss technique if she gets in a tough situation. An upgrade to Middle is in sight for the Realian, and she isn't going to let a would-be tadpole stop her now!



The forecast in this week's Light semifinals match may be turning a tad bit towards the stormy as Mallow steps into the arena to confront MOMO. Why is that? The not-quite-a-tadpole's uncanny ability to control such phenomenons will allow him to weather anything that MOMO manages to throw his way with his cheap-costing HP Rain, while retaliating in kind with gigantic lightning bolts and a little serenade in the storm with his Sonic Cymbals. It'll simply be a matter of raining on his opponet's parade, something Mallow may be reluctant to do to a little girl. With the goal of a division upgrade in his future, though, he'll find the courage to do it.

Unfortunatly for Mallow, killing a space alien and killing a jail bait schoolgirl fetish from the future are two quite different things. Along with not belonging to a group of souless things, she also has variety, healing, and a strong transformation, not to mention status, which Mallow fears. Mallow is just plain outmatched in this fight, and is forced to go back to the sidelines.

MOMO: 29
Mallow: 4