Season 11, Week 4
(Final Fantasy X)
If there's one person in the Heavy Division that Lulu didn't want to face, it's her opponent this week. Not only can Sofia shoot the black mage's offense to pieces, she can also do it before the sluggish Lulu even gets a turn. Fortunately, a quick stop at O'aka's gives Lulu a glimmer of a hope. The Fatal Cait Sith, while not normally her weapon of choice, will serve her nicely in this match. All she has to do is keep attacking and hope beyond hope that the Deathtouch effect takes hold before Sofia can destroy her.



Having trounced a summoner, the young half-Zenithian heroine now goes after one of the guardians who helped defeat Sin. She couldn't have asked for a better draw; Lulu is one of the few slower than Sofia herself, and she's almost entirely reliant on magic to boot. After Fendspell is up, it should be clear who holds the upper hand in this match - after all, what's Lulu going to do against Sofia's high defense and full healing? Smack her with a voodoo doll and hope she dies laughing?

Poor Lulu. Fendspell is her greatest nightmare rolled into one cute girl. Lulu ain't impressing anyone with Moogle betadowns.

Lulu: 5
Sofia: 24