Season 11, Week 3
Reid Herschel
(Tales of Eternia)
Reid disposed of a pretender last round, beating the Prince of New Almekia soundly. With that in mind, he goes on to face another pretender to a throne, Prince of the Netherworld Laharl. While the demonic royal has a few more special attacks than Lance did, Reid has times on times more tactics and trickeries to triumph through. It's doubtful that the demon will be able to withstand the assault from the Master of the Aurora Artes.



Laharl's close victory over Roan must have been a surprise to his doubters, but the ever confident prince never doubted himself. His current opponent ranks far beneath him when it comes to social status, being a mere commoner, but Reid's wild strikes match Laharl's own fighting style much better. With complete faith in his evil powers, Laharl looks to put a second young swordman down.

Hunter Sopko
Laharl laughed as he saw his next opponent. "Ha! Finally a woman without a sexy body!"

Reid growled, 'WHAT?!"

"That shirt... it could ONLY belong to a woman!"

You know, there are just some things even the King of Hell shouldn't do. One of them being assuming the gender of someone trying to kick the crap out of you. Reid funnels the anger into power, and pummels Laharl so badly that even his Prinny Mommy feels it.

But in all honesty, it still does look like Reid's wearing a woman's top.

Reid Herschel: 14
Laharl: 7