Season 10, Week 5
(Legend of Dragoon)
After her victory over Juan the mighty narcoleptic, Lenus seems to have the Middle championship in the bag. Her opponent, Cait Sith, is mostly dependent on status magic in duels. As a boss, Lenus is immune to Frog and Mini, which renders her opponent's trump card useless. Her stellar speed and powerful dark magic will effectively cripple Cait Sith's physical damage, which diminishes as he gets weaker. After the first volley of her dark and powerful magic, the championship is as good as hers.



Triumphant over the favored Dark Knight of Ivalice, Cait Sith travels on to face the final round of the Middle tournament. In his way is Lenus, whom should give the stuffed animal quite a fight. With her powerful magics and boss defenses, his useful Transform materia is for naught, but he still has his HP Shout to buttress his chances. Also, his high stockpile of HP will give him ample time to get his limit, which could win him the battle instantly! With a long, hard fight ahead, can Cait Sith endure to claim his title?

With a throw of Lenus' weapons, "the cat's out of the bag."

Lenus: 25
Cait Sith: 4

Guruuvu no Akujin
Caith Sith is relatively weak and useless in the world of FF7. Lenus is only a bit villain and despite being a dragoon constantly, and having a dragon at her command, it takes all of four or five rounds to take them both down. They probably both get paper cuts and die before the fight starts.