Season 9, Week 2
(Dragon Warrior IV)
Suikoden fighters normally fear Nara - she has a field day with the typical lack of damage and magic defense. Sadly, Meg isn't a typical Suikoden fighter. Her Water Rune means that Nara's magic will be sealed off for the majority of the fight. Nara isn't without options, though. Her defense isn't too terrible, which means that she can take a few of Meg's physicals. If Nara can survive the three rounds of Silent Lake and get off a healing spell afterward, she'll easily finish Meg off.



Meg the Trickster is a seasoned fighter and the veteran of two fierce wars. In her Duelling Leage debut, her opponent is Nara - a sluggish mage with absolutely pitiful HP. In fact, it won't be surprising to see the Trick Rune finish off the gypsy girl in a single shot. Failing that, Meg still has her Water Rune to fall back on; one Silent Lake to cut off Nara's healing will be all it takes to seal a victory for Meg.

OK of Solaris
Little girl vs. Elder Gypsy...what an oddly intriguing match. Nara's got a sister who's a dancer, but Meg has a trump card all of her own: her special "Trick" Rune. Just like Demi's 'victory' over Elena, a little bit of technological and anatomical know-how can win a match without bloodshed, and make it fun for everyone ( or at least one or two special people )!

Nara: 7
Meg: 22