Season 8, Week 4
(Chrono Trigger)
Robo, after a controversial victory against Alma, is fighting a completely different opponent this week. Ayame is hardly dependant on magic like the young Beoulve, but the two girls' certainly do have similar defense; and that's not good for the ninja! Neither is the excellent healing that Robo gets from Heal Beam, nor the bone-crushing Uzzi Punch. The robot can easily break through her sub-par defenses, bypass her sidesteps, and manage a calculated win.



Ayame goes into her semi-final matchup with a bevy of weapons: her speed, her Shrike Rune, and an important piece of knowledge. That is, it has been three seasons since Robo last lost a match, but that loss came against a ninja. And Ayame's strategy for defeating the time-travelling robot will be very much the same as her colleague Edge's. Overwhelm any healing game with her excellent speed and power, and rely on her oustanding evasion to save her from her foe's Uzzi Punch attack.

Remember what happened the last time Robo tried to fight a Ninja? While Ayame isn't as nasty a fighter as Edge, she still has trademark Ninja speed and damage, which is enough to overwhelm Robo.

Robo: 18
Ayame: 19

Ayame opens with a bevy of ninja stars, all of which stick to Robo. But he doesn't seem to mind; none of damaged his electric core. Robo sees his opponents confusion to unleash an Uzzi Punch, which Ayame deftly dodges thanks to her rank S Dodge skill. She knows she has to get up close and personal with this opponent, and readies her Shrike rune. Robo never saw it coming.

But Ayame should have studied up on her basic science. As her claws plunged deep into Robo's wiring, several short circuits occurred, directing most of Robo's current into Ayame via her ninja claw. His short circuitry makes him think that Shock would be the best course of action at this point, and Ayame is barbeuqued.

Robo's intense damage does cause some malfunctions. He responded to the cheers of the crowd with a song:
"My name is Robo
I have metal joints,
Beat me up
and earn Silver Points!"

Lucca rushed into the scene just in time to deactivate Robo for maintenance, as he was about to break into "Rhinestone Cow-bot," much to the horror of the fans.

Its odd how a Robot has more trouble beating a little Cleric with no battle experience than a full hardened Ninja with a powerful Rune. Doesn't RPG Logic confoud you? I don't know what's a bigger suprise: The above fact I mentioned or the fact that Robo's circuits haven't shorted out from the lack of logic this match contains.