Season 8, Week 3
(Lufia & the Fortress of Doom)
For a man who fought against Sinistrals, a dragoner seems to be a step down in difficulty. Still, it wouldn't be proper for a commander to rest on his laurels. Aguro will want to put a quick end to this match, as Reis' breaths will inflict heavy damage to his poor magic resistance. Then again, Aguro is no slouch in delivering damage himself, with the Zirco Axe being his weapon of choice. If he keeps his wits about him and actually pays attention to what's going on, he stands a very good chance at continuing his advance in the tournament.



After firmly crushing the commoner rabble she faced last week, Reis stands poised to take a shot at winning the Light division this season. Few competitors down here can stand up against her magical dragonbreath attacks, and Aguro certainly doesn't look like one of the lucky few. One step closer to Middle, one step closer to fighting alongside her beloved Beowulf.

A typical battle of a noble Knight vs. the evil Dragon, which always ends up in the brave knight's victory...

oh wait, Reis isn't evil the slightest, sorry Aguro, your one edge in that Good always prevails over evil doesn't occurr here.

Aguro: 11
Reis Dular: 27