Season 8, Week 3
Terra Branford
(Final Fantasy VI)
Having just defeated the boy hero Ness, Terra comes up against someone nigh-opposite: a gorgeous female villain! Terra's main concern in this fight is Royce's cruel Fire Bird, which will spell trouble for the half Esper. But Terra is not without hope. Her high defenses might allow her to live through Royce's assault, and her Esper form may likewise give her the strength to break free fast. After that, it's the sluggish Royce against Terra's full parasitic healing, and the awesome might of the legendary Ultima. Not an easy bout by any means, but the child of Maduin may have just what it takes to see herself through.



Once again, Royce faces an easy opponent. Though the half esper girl is a very powerful spellcaster in the same vein that Tir was, it matters not to the Vile Tribewoman. Her signature attack in Flame Bird easily paralyzes and debilitates the young girl, opening her up for a concentrated assault that even the most powerful of Godlikes would be unable to withstand. With a Godlike championship in her sights, Royce isn't about to let some minor annoyance like Terra stand in her way.

Infinity Dragon
Immediately upon seeing her opponent enter the arena, Terra asked if being a witch was a fun as it looked.
"Of course it is, deary. Riding around on a giant snake and wearing nothing more than a long, thin piece of cloth entwined about your body is exhilirating!"
Terra instantly converted to the dark side and cast Ultima on the judges, disqualifying her from the match. Unfortunately for Terra, Royce didn't mention that being a witch meant licking the boots of the most powerful magic using male in the land. Kefka has just found himself a new slave.

Terra Branford: 14
Royce: 30

I know this might be a no-win situation for Terra, but I've always believed in her.