Season 8, Week 3
Orlandu, Cidolfas
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
Wielder of Excalibur and the most powerful warrior in all of Ivalice, Cidolfas Orlandu is more than a match for even a monster of Barubary's calibre. The demon's magic and powerful physical swipes will put a hurting on Cid, but Night Sword should easily cure what ails him. And though Barubary lacks weapons and armour to break, Holy Explosion will doubtless still easily pierce even Barubary's devilish defenses. Thundergod Cid has a title to defend, and even a nightmare demon such as Barubary won't stand in his way at a second championship.



Barubary trounced his first opponent, Lynx, and is ready to continue to his path to be the first truly evil Godlike champion. If he can take out his foe this week, the path will be cleared. But his opponent is no ordinary mortal, as he now faces the legendary Cidolfas Orlandu. The more Cid damages Barubary, though, the higher Barubary's impressive physical damage becomes. Add his counter-attack to the mix, and Barubary is set to dominate. Once he counter-attacks Cid, the match will be over as the dark demon rains the powerful Bolt X spell on his opponents head. All Barubary is concerned with is suriviving to see that moment.

Infinity Dragon
Barubary first tried to force Orlandu to relive his past incarnation of FF7 Cid Highwind. That failed. He then tried to force Orlandu to relive his incarnation as FF8 Cid, which again failed.

"My nightmares are not affecting you. How can this be!?" Barubary asked, wondering how anyone could possibly remain sane after reliving their experiences as some of the worst characters ever.

"Simple" replied Cidoflas "I am merely a cameo name that appears in most Final Fantasy worlds. In order to affect all of us, you must strike the source: Cid from the second Final Fantasy. If you want to travel to that godforsaken world, be my guest."

"C...Curse you! You planned this from the beginning! I will defeat you yet! However, seeing as how I was defeated, regardless of your cheap tactics, I will tell you where my Life Bracer is..."

And with that, Barubary left the arena to plot a way to mentally defeat Orlandu for the next time they meet.

Orlandu, Cidolfas: 23
Barubary: 17