Season 8, Week 2
(Chrono Trigger)
Robo's opponent this week is quite similar to himself - a strong physical attacker with mediocre attack magic. Robo is slower than Garr, but he possesses one important advantage: healing. Cure Beam coupled with his excellent physical durability means he can last a long time. He'll be waiting for the last digit of his HP to hit 9, allowing him to punch Garr into oblivion - or for his foe to simply run out of TP.



Garr, the esteemed Prince of Phandaria, is out for blood. After seeing his teammate Rutee's elimination, Garr wants to ensure that he isn't the next Swordian-user to fall. Luckily, with his above average defences and passable speed, Garr can both handle Robo's attacks and ensure that the sluggish robot won't be starting with a fully powered Crisis Arm. And after a storm of Divine Winds and Void Swords, Garr should have no problem sending the Robo back to the scrap yard.

For most characters, it can be a real hassle. Some of their moves are arbitrarily decided by chance, the degree of health determining the potency of their attacks. And for most characters, it's nearly impossible to determine with a degree of accuracy just how powerful their techniques will be.

Robo is not most characters.

He is a machine, born and bred of iron and steel. He can access all his diagnostic programs at a moment's notice, interpreting his exact health and power at will. He can decide when to use his moves to get the most out of them. In short, he is not affected by his transfer to this setting at all.

Garr Kelvin doesn't know this. That is why he seems so confident after getting the first swordstrike in. After all, he can't see that he's done 350 damage to Robo. He can't tell that Robo's weapons systems are still at maximum potential. He believes that he has managed to successfully neutralize Robo's greatest advantage.

He will not get a chance to reflect on his tactical error before his face hits the only Uzzi Punch Robo will have to use.

Robo: 16
Garr Kelvin: 15