Season 8, Week 1
(Skies of Arcadia)
Vigoro mourns. His first fight couldn't have been against one of bevy of lovely duelling ladies in the DL. No, the Valuan Admiral had to draw a male - and one of the most dangerous males to walk the face of Godlike, at that! With his charm attack out of the question, he'll be forced to fall back on his pure physical repertoire. While said physical game is brutal, he has little hope of outslugging the Vandalier in a straight-out fight. He'll need use his boss HP and speed to his fullest here, and try to outlast Ash. That is, of course, if Ash isn't struck dumb right away by Vigoro's irrefutable charms...



As the holder of the mythical blade Vandal Hearts, Ash wields power that few mortals or gods could dream of. The Vandalier can sever away a life with one swipe of his blade, and can summon any and all magics, even those normally sealed to the blackest demon. Such might will be on display against a mere mortal, the 'Air Pirate' Vigoro. With his strength, not even the powerful foe from Arcadia can resist Ash and his Vandal Hearts beatdown. Even if the Pirate gets a shot or three in, Ash's superior defensive skills will prevent any great harm.

Ash is a sick fighter. Insane power, infinite healing, and the like.

Vigoro has.. charm! Which won't work on Ash. And he'll be forced to eat a counter, each time he attacks.

...Better luck to Vigoro next time.

Vigoro: 4
Ash Lambert: 12