Season 1, Week 4
(Final Fantasy IX)
The pride of Alexandria, Beatrix is a noted swordswoman in her own right. With her Seiken skills, and her supply of White Magic, she's got much more versatility (not to mention healing) than her opponent. Her superior speed shines when combined with her powerful Seiken attacks like Shock, and her healing will be a boon. Royce, however, is no easy target, and even the powerful Alexandrian Knight will face an uphill battle.



Royce's powerful Flame Bird attack, the bane of PC's, can be of aid in this battle, seeing as Beatrix isn't immune to status effects. Even if Flame Bird is ineffective, Royce still has Shot Lancer, excellent longevity, and her obscene stats to use against her opponent. Beatrix's healing will be a non-factor, as she'll never escape Flame Bird fast enough to make use of it.

Haven't we been over this before? Oh well, a reminder:

Royce is the strongest attacker in her game. Royce has Flame Bird, which is 100% effective against PCs and takes them out of the battle while damaging them. Royce has final-boss level HP and great defence. Royce wins again.

Get her up to Godlike, already!

Beatrix: 4
Royce: 13