Season 7, Week 3
Rolf Landale
(Phantasy Star 2)
Embodying the clash between Old School and New School this week are the immortal Rolf and Cloud, and Agent Landale is feeling good! Rolf should be able to shrug off any magical onslaught that Cloud can dish out with his amazing Mental stat, his combination of solid defense and evasion will serve him well against the Ultima Weapon, and his superior speed will work to put Cloud out of his "strife" quickly. Still, his foe's assortment of limits poses problems for Rolf's desired victory. Cloud has both high Spirit and HP, meaning he'll likely be able to take the brunt of a Megid and be ready to strike back with a Limit. Given that, the skillful Landale will need to use his magicks wisely, and whittle down Cloud's health with his respectable Neisword before dropping a tactical nuclear Megid on him. Algo's greatest hero plans on putting on a show this week, and clearing the way for another Old School triumph.



This week we have a match of government agents turned rebel outlaw, with the Avalanche leader Cloud Strife going against Motavian agent Rolf Landale. The two of them even manage to boast the best sets of stats in their respective games, making for a truly worthy competition between two heavyweight brawlers. However, there the similarities end. With Rolf's high power, better speed, and poor longevity, Cloud will want to focus on his end-match power, using the Ragnarok instead of his HP-Reliant Ultima Weapon. And, with his high HP and MDef meaning he's likely able to survive Megid, Cloud will want to focus a lot on his Limits. With the paralysing Cross-Slash in case Rolf decides to soften him up, and his choice of the lethal Finishing Touch or the powerful Omnislash after surviving Megid. With all of this, Cloud just has to survive and see what Rolf does in order to claim victory over his fellow revolutionary.

This is Cloud. *A picture of Cloud is shown*.
This is Cloud after being hit with Megid. *Picture of Jogurt is shown*
Any questions?

Rolf Landale: 16
Cloud Strife: 7

Tylor H
Let's briefly compare the two fighters, shall we?

Past Occupation:
Cloud: Soldier of the local government.
Rolf: Agent of the local government.

Current Crisis:
Cloud: Evil force from the heavens trying to destroy his home planet.
Rolf: Evil force from the heavens trying to destroy his solar system, and partially succeeding.

Personal Crisis:
Cloud: Hometown gone and good friend killed by hero.
Rolf: Homeworld turns on him and good friend killed by her evil twin.

How They Deal With It All:
Cloud: Goes crazy and convinces himself he lived the life his good buddy did. After finally getting noggin back in order, has uncrontrollable urge to mosey towards final boss.
Rolf: Flips out, becomes stupidly powerful and smites evil stuff.

And so, Rolf will win this match because he faces worse in his life, deals with it better, and flips out instead of moseying.

Rolf's finest magic trick: from Cloud Strife to a cloud of red mist in two turns and one Megid.

Clouds limits win him this.

Give me a break. Megid does more damage than any PC can possibly take. Cloud's about to visit 7th Heaven.