Season 7, Week 3
(Valkyrie Profile)
After crushing Odd Eye in the last round and helping secure a 3-0 record against Shining Force 2 for her cast last week, Genevieve finds herself facing another swordsman boss with insane speed. Her excellent Resist means his Quake attack will be nothing to her, and she's ready to battle him in a slug fest with Indiscriminate. Should the bout go on long enough, she even has her late match healing to fall back on. If she can get around his speed and stat boosters, perhaps it'll be Melfice's Eternal Bonds that are broken... by the hooded sorceress' Cosmic Spear!



Fresh from a victory over the Archangel Altima, Melfice is pretty confident going into his match with Genevieve: after all, hooded sorceresses can't be anywhere near as strong as archangels, right? Even if that proves to not be the case, Melfice still has a lot going for him in this battle. He's far stronger than his opponent physically, and significantly faster to boot. With a powerful attack in Wailing Soul Slash to head his offensive, as well as healing and stat-boosting on the defensive, Melfice should easily be able to trump yet another woman in his quest for the Godlike championship.

Genevieve's magic power is extremely impressive, and it will make short work of Melfice's sword. Of course, that's the cue for him to open up with Wailing Soul Slash. And coincidentally, that's what it's going to do to Genevieve's head.

Genevieve: 8
Melfice: 11

Genevieve is consistant in her power. She doesn't get stronger as time goes on, but she can access her healing if she lasts long enough.

Melfice just keeps on getting stronger and stronger as the battle progresses. Even if Genny gets to the healing plateau, Melfice will continue to knock down her HP. Match to the horny guy.

"Here's my ultimate attack! The Wailing Soul Slash!" Melfice cried, slaming his sword in his usual fashion at Genenieve, who went reeling back a bit in pain "Did you really think you can beat me?" he shouted.

"Hmmph. Heal!" she shouted, healing from the wound as if it were nothing "You'll have to do better than that, I'm afraid, you filthy creature."

"What the...grrr..." it was clear Melfice was losing his patience. He had hit Genenieve with everything he had. Quake, Demon Horde Slash, even a Wow! + Wailing Soul Slash combo. Nothing worked. And he knew he was going to eat another indiscriminate, of which he was going to have to heal from...until he thought of something.

He wondered what would happen if he said a few words, that no one outside of Valkyrie Profile dare say. He wondered why nobody tried it either. It was a risky move, but it might just work.

"Hey, Hooded Sorcerress, can you at least let me say a last few words before I give up?" he shouted.

"Oh, fine, make it quick" she was getting ready to fire off another indiscriminate.

Taking a deep breath, he shouted If ye trust that thy eternal bonds may be broken! Then let my words be a vengeful blade upon thee! Cosmic Spear!

Genenieve winced. What did he try to do? Mimic her own spell? He had to be joking. Such a trick obviously wouldn't work...

Melfice was about to curse as his plan failed...til he looked up and noticed a giant Spear coming down at sonic boom speed right into thier general direction.

Using his phenomonal speed, he jumped out of the way of the spear, Genenieve, who had her back turned, only managed to see the spear the second before it hit her.

Melfice walked to the impaled corpse, shrugged, and claimed his victory, wondering why other mages haven't tried quoting Valkyrie Profile Great magics before...