Season 64, Week 1
(Shining Force)
Kane. A name few dare to speak aloud, for fear of this mind-controlled almighty monster of a man will crash down upon them in a fury of death and destruction. While Kane wasn't powerful enough mentally to prevent Darksol from taking control of him, that doesn't stop him from being a terrifying force in his own right. Just one of his horrendously powerful blows is enough to kill even hardy warriors outright, with only the absolute mightiest being able to barely survive. Bringing to bare that kind of offense, no one who stands against him in the arena will last long at all, and those that manage will simply prolong their own suffering.



Adventurous, optimistic, and possessing a heart that desires nothing more than to selflessly sacrifice himself for the greater good of mankind, these and many more do not describe Reid, the Rasheans hunter with a bottomless pit for a stomach. Instead, Reid Herschel is a cautious and somewhat realistic man who has a tendency to get outvoted by his more enthusiastic and idealistic comrades. So how did this kind of man become the saviour of the world? Well, having the world blow up is a little inconvenient for you and your loved ones, and it's not like anyone else can possess the Divine Aurora Arts. Not like it's all bad. Having a few extra techniques to add to his already brutal and extensive arsenal of sword skills is always a good thing, especially in a division as competitive as Heavy. Fast and durable to boot, his success in the arena belies his true ability. Still, he has nowhere to go but up, as there's no way in hell he's going down.

Kane: 6
Reid Herschel: 11