Season 64, Week 1
Tir McDohl
(Suikoden Series)
Many Tenkai stars may have stepped in the arena, but none of them can quite match the original. With the vicious Soul Eater fully under his command, Tir has mastery over what perhaps may be the deadliest of True Runes. Judgment and Deadly Fingerfips give Mr. McDohl two excellent avenues of offense, and his excellent stats- especially lightning fast-speed- make facing him all that much more terrifying. After all, it’s as if a very part of him consumed his own friends for power; if that how his friends ended up, imagine what will happen to his enemies!



Black Mages have been nuking their way through the landscapes of Final Fantasy for the past two decades, and none quite as effectively as Lulu. While the rough side of her tongue may be enough handle the majority of foes, her ability to Double-cast spells at minimal MP cost and no recharge makes her a true force to be reckoned with. She can unleash potent damage or mix it up with accurate instant death or healing via elemental absorption. And with extreme defense, magic defense and evasion, she has the durability of a Knight instead of the typical black mage!

Tir McDohl: 24
Lulu: 4