Season 64, Week 1
(Phantasy Star 4)
The Android guardian of Motavian space is a well-known formidable warrior. His defenses are among the best in the league, with inarguably innate status-immunity, Fire/Ice resistance, and the unique Palma Ring to cover that pesky Lightning weakness. He can even buff his special defenses higher with his Barrier ability, or play a stalling game with his near-limitless Recover healing ability. Not that it will matter, there aren't many opponents who will survive against his high-powered Burst Rockets and Positron Bolt attacks for long. And any mechanical enemies have lost before they can start thanks to his anti-machine ID and Paralysis skills.



Ah, Kefka, the magnificent lettuce battler. While Kefka's appearance has been somewhat in question at various points, nothing about his battle prowess ever is, except perhaps his durability. With an impressive skillset, ranging from massive physical damage in Havok Wing, the ability always reduce his opponent's HP to 1 in Fallen One, various forms of elemental damage, Silence from Train, countering with said high physical damage, dispelling, his own signature Goner, and even the dreaded Ultima, Kefka has a lot of options. All of them frightening. And what he lacks in durability, he more than makes up for in being able to go first; Kefka's speed is frighteningly fast. All in all, this former Godlike champion is a tough customer.

"High-powered Burst Rockets" Ha. Burst Rockets. Were they talking about the "Does Less Damage Than His Basic Physical" Burst Rockets? THOSE Burst Rockets? If that can be classed as high-powered, then Kefka's attacks can likely be described as a tactical nuke.

And Kefka's faster.

And that's terrible.

Wren: 4
Kefka: 23