Season 63, Week 4
(Phantasy Star 4)
The Android guardian of Motavian space is a well-known formidable warrior. His defenses are among the best in the league, with inarguably innate status-immunity, Fire/Ice resistance, and the unique Palma Ring to cover that pesky Lightning weakness. He can even buff his special defenses higher with his Barrier ability, or play a stalling game with his near-limitless Recover healing ability. Not that it will matter, there aren't many opponents who will survive against his high-powered Burst Rockets and Positron Bolt attacks for long. And any mechanical enemies have lost before they can start thanks to his anti-machine ID and Paralysis skills.



As the sister of history's most famous mafioso, Edna is used to power. Of course, thanks to an heavy infusion of malice due to Lady's kiss, Edna now has more power than she could have ever dreamed of, and she doesn't even her brother lend her back up muscle. Solid durability, painful physicals and physicals, and even starting stock to allow her to combo right off the bat make Ms. Capone one beauty with some serious bite. Any other who dares to cross her now will fondly wish that the only thing they faced was a mobster's lead pipe to the shins or cement shoes instead of the Edna's rage.

Wren and Edna have a who's a better tank contest.

Wren, being mechanical, has some obvious advantages~

Wren: 13
Edna Capone: 3