Season 62, Week 5
(Saga Frontier)
Blue this, Blue that, Rouge gets really sick of hearing about how unfairly powerful his selfish prick of a brother is. But hey, that jerk is banned from competing here so this is as good a place as any to get away from him and let Rouge practice his own magic against such an impressive variety of opponents. It's a good thing that his innate gift for Realm magic gives him a trick for every situation then, isn't it? Vermillion Sand packs a hell of a punch, while the aptly named Implosion can kill many foes outright, so he has offense covered well enough. And defensively, well, he believes that the best defense is a good trap, which Psychic Prison most certainly is. Should anyone attempt to utter a spell under that, they'll injure themselves instead.



A fiery determination and being a scion of the uncreatively named Warrior Village tend to make Tengaar a fearsome opponent to face in the ring- although her excellent magic and powerful Earth rune certainly don't hurt. After all, her rune provides both an anti-physical skill with Revenge Earth and an anti-magic skill with Canopy Defense. And on top of it all, she has the dreaded Earthquake to quickly bomb her opponents into submission! Of course, if you've met Tengaar, you'd know that given her personality, she could probably take on most of Middle with just the sharp side of her tongue!

Rouge: 16
Tengaar: 8