Season 62, Week 3
(Valkyrie Profile)
The trickster God has already been near a championship three times, but this time, he's determined to take the trophy home! Emelious may be a strong foe, but his reliance on both multiple parts and strong physicals will doom him. After all, with Indiscriminate and powerful multitarget attacks, Loki will easily knock out all of Emelious' support quickly! And of course, with the twisted Aesir's defenses, the bulk of Emelious' damage will suffer terribly, leaving him to rely on less than impressive and limited magic attacks. Loki is finally ready to claim that championship!



It's time to put the Godkiller to work again. Emelious has crushed one Godlike after another on his path to the finals, and now at last he can let his blade feast on the flesh of a true god to round off the season. Loki boasts a powerful combination of magics, but his mightiest attack, Indiscriminate, will fail before Emelious' speed and evasion. With dark magics available at Emelious' command, Loki will end up as just another divine kill under the swordsman's belt. It's time to take home a second Godlike championship and show Loki that he's hardly the deadliest nihilist psycho around.

Loki: 11
Emelious de Pamela: 6