Season 62, Week 2
(Super Mario RPG)
Tadpole, reporting for duty! Sure, he's not an actual tadpole, but Mallow's certainly an honorary one - and besides, what could be more embarrassing for Melody than to lose to a tadpole, of all things? She's up for quite the Shocker as Mallow tosses lightning her way - sure, his damage takes a hit against Melody's barrier, but he'll just keep slugging, tossing healing out when the Eliminate Scanners wear him down. Heck, even his Sonic Cymbals will make a solid dent, and with a Poison blocker, there's nothing Melody can do to stop Mallow in this match.



A nice upstanding young prince versus the very soul of trickery? Melody does like facing those with little perception, and the innocent and young Mallow is the perfect type to fall for her menagerie of tricks. Her barrier shall weave an illusion that will take the edge off most of Mallow’s already quite unimpressive attacks, leaving Melody plenty of time to wear him down with Eliminate Scanners. And while Mallow may be able to block her Poison counters, given enough time, Melody should be able to cook up some cruel mischief that will see to the prince’s demise!

Mallow: 20
Melody Vilente: 11