Season 62, Week 2
Arnaud G. Vasquez
(Wild ARMs 4)
Arnaud's confident in everything from the neck up, which, frankly, should be all he needs against the karate nerd turned kickboxing Persona user! After all, she relies entirely on evadable physicals, and wouldn't you know it, Arnaud's evasive AND can nail her accuracy even further into a pit with Illusion! Slow Down further degrades her pathetic odds, and Blasts will simply scour her, leaving nothing behind! A cinch for the whiz kid of Wild Arms 4!



Well, well... it's brains vs... brawn? Sure, Chie doesn't look like much, but rest assured, her God's Hand smites with the power of many righteous deities. Arnaud has some good status and some magic, but he will have to actually hit the nimble kickboxer - if he can actually survive that long! Did we mention that Chie hits like a fleet of Mac trucks? Because she does. And with a one-shot of revive, Chie's looking to be partying in the Finals before long!

Arnaud G. Vasquez: 21
Chie Satonaka: 12