Season 62, Week 1
(Pokémon Series)
Blastoise continues on his roll as Light Champion with some success in Middle, yes! No surprises there, but it's nice to prove yourself again after a stint in Light. Virginia knows all about frustrations like that - she had to terrorize the division twice before her own upgrade to Middle. Her Gatling attacks are always something to be feared, but Blastoise brings his own artillery to the equation and he hits much harder than her. Ginny can cheat against his Electric weakness using Mystic, but she won't have that many opportunities before she's launched out of the arena, courtesy of one overpowered fire hose!



If there's one thing a Medium-wielding Drifter is familiar with, it's oversized monstrous turtles. It seems odd that a desert wasteland planet would have an abundance of magical giant turtle-monsters like Schturdark, but there you go. Virginia's got a few options to deal with this watery threat, though. With her Mystic skill, she can toss Thunder Gems to nail Blastoise's weakness. Or if Thunder Gems are in short supply, she's got the speed to dodge the clumsy reptile's water cannons before she nails him with Gatling spam. Really, though, Filgaia could use the extra water either way and Ginny's determined to pound her new sprinkler system into submission!

Blastoise: 24
Virginia Maxwell: 8