Season 61, Week 1
(Breath of Fire IV)
One has to wonder if Ryu will eventually put limitations on himself in the arena and begin to make himself a bit... fairer for all the other contestants that try to fight here. Sure, Ryu has been down this road many times before, but when it comes down to it, since when does a dragon like him not pull out all the stops? Never, that's when! Sure, Lenneth has a shot at him before he can transform, but he proved last round that he can make it through incredibly rough opening turns, didn't he? All he has to do is survive like usual and the match is his for the taking. It's not luck, it's the pure, unadulterated power of the dragon. It rocks (the dragon, that is.)



After many an unlucky draw in Godlike, Lenneth has finally put a run together! What better oddball to face after the giant incarnation of evil and a giant flying whale but a giant dragon! Well, luckily for Lenneth, Ryu doesn't start as a giant dragon. Instead, he starts off as a slightly sluggish fighter with little initial skillset. Of course, with her deadly Glance Reviver and her superior speed, Lenneth should not have too much trouble slicing up Ryu the fourth before he gets a chance to transform. Even should he get a chance, he doesn't have the raw damage to off her in a hit, and even a dragon isn't going to have much luck surviving Nibelung Valesti!

Ryu: 11
Lenneth Valkyrie: 28